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Monday, May 3, 2010

Mamarazzi Monday

So I've noticed on a few blogs I visit they do this Meme called Mamarazzi Mondays. It's the Mama version of paparazzi of course.

I then thought to myself, I'm obsessed with taking photos of my daughter, maybe I should start doing this and posting the some of the ones that don't make the cut for others to see. Seriously ya'll, I have THOUSANDS. I won't put you through all of them. Although, they are pretty cute, so I may have to dig up some vintage ones occasionally.

So onto my very first Mamarazzi Monday! There's even a cute button for it. Click here to see other Mamarazzi links.

Mamarazzi Monday

These are from today's 28 week photos

If you make this one bigger, you can see her tooth! :) Such a proud Mom.

I think I'm done now Mom.


  1. I love the glasses and the pics! She is so cute! Alo, your new site looks awesome.

  2. Thanks Diana, on the baby and the site comment! I love both! One a bit more than the other, but I think that's expected. :)
