I won a Happy 101 Award a bit back from Shannon over at Webbisodes and I'm just now getting around to bragging about it. If you haven't checked out her blog and beautiful baby, you should! I really enjoy reading her posts about life with her adorable Gilly and looking at the great photos she always seems to take. I'm really glad I found her blog - can't even remember how now, but I KNOW I'd be friends with this woman in real life.
She's that cool.
I'm so flattered she reads my blog, yet alone thinks I deserve an award for it!
Here are the rules:
1. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
2. List who gave the award to you and use a link to her blog (or hyperlink).
3. List 10 things that make you happy.
4. Pass the award on to other bloggers and visit their blog to let them know about the award.
My list of ten happy things:
1. Rosemary and my Husband - Pretty obvious why, THEY ARE MY LIFE.
2. The rest of my family and friends - I could list them all individually, but I somehow feel as though that'd be cheating you readers out of my other happy things.
3. Pedicures - I somehow just feel better when my toes are pretty.
4. Red Wine - I'm a Pinot Noir gal, but I'll take a Shiraz or a Cabernet if ya ain't go no Noir.
5. Spring storms - I love when they happen in the middle of the night or early, early morning.
5. The smell of fresh cut grass - Mmmm...
6. Barbecue - Can you tell I'm a fan of warm weather?
7. My Moms off weeks for Chemo - We LIVE for these weeks. So glad she'll be done in mid June. What a great summer we'll have this year with no chemo and Rosemary here now!
8. Pictures - I love taking pictures, but I really enjoy looking at them even more. One of my favorite part of blogging is seeing into peoples lives not only through their words, but by their fabulous photos! Here's hoping I get my xsi sometime this century.
9. Enlightened Moments - Ever have those days where it all seems to come together and make sense? I LOVE those days.
10. Old school music on the radio - Today I heard Warren G Regulate followed by 2Pac, can you say awesome?!
Now for the lovely bloggers who I feel also deserve this award - In complete random order of course. I'm sure there's so many more, but here's 10 just to start with. If you haven't been to their blogs, check them out!
1. A JD + Three
2. Learning How to Love
3. Happy, Healthy and Loved
4. Cupcake Dream
5. Sugar Plum Treasures
6. Dearinger Diary
7. The Ish Blog
8. Waking Up Williams
9. Mommy and Molly
10. Avery and Me

Thanks for the award! I actually have been working on a post from an award that I got over the weekend from Kate at Mommy Monologues and was going to give it to you! I'll let you know when it the post goes up. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the award!! Pedicures make me very happy too! Hopefully one day soon you, Rosemary, G and I can go out and get one together. How much fun would that be?!
ReplyDeleteYou are so very welcome ladies. :)
ReplyDeleteThat would be so much fun! I can't wait to do girly things with her. The more of us, the more fun!! It'll be an EVENT.
Thanks so much! I'm sorry I'm so slow to respond - I'm going to get my post up today! Thanks again!!!